How else but to end off the night with a hot spring bath? Especially when it is 1 for 1! ;) This is Mr Low's virgin attempt on soaking hot spring. The apprehensive look on his face when he first heard that we are going for this activity sent chills down his spine!
At the mud pool, it was smelly as hell. For a moment, I felt we were acting out Shrek in real life, applying mud on each other's faces and bodies as if we are ogres enjoying mud like kids enjoy candies. Haha but for the love of smooth complexion, we generously slapped layers of mud after layers to our faces and bodies.
After 30 mins of soaking in hot mud, we were told to rinse our brownie bodies with ice cold water before we hop into the mineral water spring to chill under the starry night.
This is our humble hostel. Cheap and clean! Friendly people, nice environment. I would recommend it to anyone who is going to Rotorua!
Now, how can we not visit the thermal village in Rotorua which is famous! The pictures speaks a thousand words! Check them out!
Looks like your lime juice, eh? Tsk tsk...
Haha, this picture has Mr Low in a very weird posture. How come he has to put his hand so funnily, like he's flying? But then again, I guess everyone who is busking in my company will feel as though they are on cloud nine? Haha.
More cheesy shots to remember our NZ holiday!
Ain't this just majestic? Mind you, these are piping hot pools which can kill you the moment you fall into them. In some of the commentaries of some pools, there are actually myths of women who are actually killed in these pools due to some crappy soap opera content which I cannot remember anymore. Haha.
Now now, what's with that act cute pose?
Woohoo! Check out all that smoke! Perfect shot!
Check out my stylo pink hat and red berms, each for under AUD$5! Bargain man! Haha.
More holidays to come! Woohoo! Say Cheese everyone! ;p
Do you see me fuming? Haha!
Check out the limestone that has resided in the caves.
What's with that serious look on Mr Low's face? I think he still looks like a joker.
After checking out the thermal village, we decided to make full use of the discount coupons and check out the Rainbow trout park. The park boasts rainbow trouts (seems like something unique in NZ) and some other funny animals.
Did you see that disgusting gecko? One look at it and my goosebumps appears!
Ohh nice blue skies and green pastures. Throughout the entire drive which we have driven so far, NZ is surrounded by splendid nature pictures which any mediocre camera can capture and yet turn out to be a wonderful shot. That's how beautiful NZ is.
For now, we hit the road again, bringing along with us nice memories of our NZ adventures thus far, and looking forward to more action!